As far as Search Engine Optimization and website promotion is concerned website designing is very crucial. There are many points to consider while designing a web site in order to appease search engines as well as visitors. Heading, Meta tag, key word placement, all have its on relevance while crawled and indexed by search engine spiders. It is very important to keep all links live. Keeping a broken link on the site may adversely affect in getting good rankings. Proper Site Map is very essential to get crawled by search Engine Spiders.
It is very important to design a site which is search engine friendly. If the site couldn't get a top ranking it is useless to have a flashy site abundant with graphics and images. It may be appealing but if nobody come to know about it, it will be a waste. Moreover if the site contain heavy graphics and images it will take long time to load. A business visitor who is normally very busy, will not wait patiently to load your heavy site. He will move on to the next available site.
Normally a visitor brows the site for information he require about a service or a product. After arriving on a site if he gets unsatisfactory information he will move on to a new site. So care must be taken to give satisfactory information about a product or service you offer. In short content must be informative and should lead the visitor to the purchasing page or at least he should be convinced to get more information of your service / product.
As a web promotion company we keep all aspects of web designing so that it should be search engine as well as visitor friendly.
As said earlier we don't impart all of our knowledge here because there are plenty of copyCATs prowling on the internet. We don't want to feed them. In case you require more information or are interested in website designing, online & offline promotion to get more business kindly click contact us. We will put our 29+ years of experience and expertise to see that your goal is achived.