In order to get top positions one should make their websites search engine friendly. This process is called search engine optimization. After optimizing, the web site should be submitted to search engines (In fact we do not submit websites to major search engines, instead they come and crawl our sites). Normally to get indexed in the major search engines it will take 6 weeks and above. (A quite long time. Isn't it? That is why we do not submit to major search engines, instead invite them to crawl our sites. Don't ask how? It's a closely guarded secret).
Before to Search Engine Submission following points should be considered. Firstly your site should be search engine friendly. For that you should optimize your site. Here you should take care of not to over optimize it. If you over optimize, the chances are that the search engines may consider that you are using spam techniques to get your site higher positions and your site may get poor ranking or altogether get banned.
Secondly Which search engines you want to submit. We have seen that some search engine submission firms claim that they submit to over 800,000 search engines. If anybody tells you this, run away fast from them. 800,000 search engines they offer to submit your site are nothing but free for all (FFA) sites. If you submit your site to them possibility is your site get banned from major search engines like Google. Because When you link to an irrelevant site your chances of getting high rankings are poor. Further you will get unlimited number of emails from these sites offerings their product/services resulting your email box get clogged by these spam mails.
Thirdly, submit only those search engines / directories relevant to your business. Also selecting the category is very important. Suppose you are in engineering business and your listing is under fashion design business, getting relevant visitors to your site will be remote.
Fourthly, your title and description of your product / service should be of revealing about you clearly. Then only people requiring information about you will click on the link when search engines return pages when any one conduct a query.
Finally, remember that search engine optimization and submission are a continuous process. You will have to optimize and submit your site continuously even if you get higher position because if you don't, somebody will do it and take your place.
As said earlier we don't impart all of our knowledge here because there are plenty of copyCATs prowling on the internet. We don't want to feed them. In case you require more information or are interested in search engine submission and promotion to get more business kindly click contact us. We will put our 29+ years of experience and expertise to see that your goal is achieved.