You have optimized your site with all known tricks and tactics, still your web site is not being shown up in 1st or 2nd or 3rd pages of search engines. You can't wait. You want your potential clients visit your sites immediately. In this scenario what will do? You can make use of one of the most cost effective methods to getting potential clients to visit your site. That is Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising.
But is it really simple as it is believed? No. Of course, anybody can set up a PPC account and wait to see the surfers visiting their site. Before starting you should have some basic knowledge of what is it all about? As usual your PPC ad campaign starts with an advertising model. It comprises selection of Keywords, writing of ads, bidding and placement of ads.
It is very important to know that which market segment you are targeting. Accordingly you have to prepare a set of key words to target that market. After preparing the keywords you will have to write the ad copy. writing ad copy is the most difficult part of the campaign. Because ad copy consists of 2 parts, one is title and the other the body and you will get only 25 characters to write title and two lines of 35 characters each to write your description on the body part. That means 95 characters will make or brake your PPC ad campaign. If you are confident about doing yourself do it or better take service of professionals like us who know the things.
What we will do? We will research for the most searched key word/keyword phrases, Write ad copy, place bidding and send report to you on the campaign and many more. For that we charge a nominal service fee.
As said earlier we don't impart all of our knowledge here because there are plenty of copyCATs prowling on the internet. We don't want to feed them. In case you require more information or are interested in Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising, online & offline promotion to get more business kindly click contact us. We will put our 29+ years of experience and expertise to see that your goal is achieved.